The Use of Mixed Methods Research

LecturerProf. Nicola Castellano
(09:00 am – 03:00 pm each day)
Room/Adress TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Seminar content In research the use of mixed methods implies a combination of qualitative and qualitative methodologies. When designing a multi method research, the coherence with research ontology and epistemology is a key issue, consequently the seminar aims at first to introduce and discuss, the research paradigms for which the use of mixed methods is suitable. The applicability of mixed methods in the most important research paradigms will be discussed (interpretivism, positivism, realism), with a peculiar emphasis to the critical realism paradigm, in support of which mixed methods are largely used. The participants will be involved in the discussion by commenting some seminal papers and trying to classify them among the above mentioned research paradigms. Following, the design and use of mixed method research will be taken into account. In particular, the following outcomes are expected for PhD students attending the seminar:

1) learning how to combine properly mixed methods either in terms of coherence with the research purpose and validation of results;
2) improving the knowledge in designing research consistently with a given epistemological and ontological viewpoint;
3) improving the ability to classify a scientific article into the proper research paradigm.
  • Venkatesh et al. (2013). Bridging the Qualitative-Quantitative Divide Guidelines for Conducting Mixed Methods. MIS Quarterly, 37(1), pp. 21-54.
  • Zachariadis et al. (2013). Methodological Implications of Critical Realism for Mixed-Methods Research. MIS Quarterly, 37(3), pp. 855-879.
CertificatePh.D. students from the Faculty of Economics, TU Dresden can earn a certificate according to § 9 of the Ph.D. doctoral regulations (PromO 2018):
Ph.D. students of Business Management: § 9 (1) Nr. 5 or 6
Ph.D. students of Business Information Systems: § 9 (1) Nr. 6
Ph.D. students of Economics: § 9 (1) Nr. 6

Ph.D. students from other universities can earn a certificate as well.
Assignment1) After reading some representative papers, PhD students will be involved in discussing the research paradigm the can be classified into.
2) Group work and presentation of a 2-page report on a mixed method research project.
RegistrationParticipation is limited (max. 20). 
To register send an e-mail to Dr. Uta Schwarz:
Phone: +49 351 463-33141